Theoretical physics / Elméleti fizika

Prof. Guy Paic (UNAM Mexico, CERN ALICE, Wigner RCP): Chasing the holy Grail – the quark gluon plasma: a personal view on the history and present

Médiaterem (II. ép.)


II. ép.


The history of the search for the quark gluon plasma is more than 40 years long. The field is and has been very lively all over the years both on the experimental and theoretical side. From the very promising QCD predictions of the so-called asymptotic freedom the experiments have forced a new insight which is commonly known as the perfect liquid. Initially proposed to not be present in proton proton collisions it was discovered that almost all the features of heavy ion physics are found in equivalent measure in the lighter ion collisions. I will try to give proof of the present status and controversies.