6–7 Nov 2023
Benczúr Hotel Budapest
Europe/Budapest timezone

Quantum time series

6 Nov 2023, 14:50
Benczúr Hotel Budapest

Benczúr Hotel Budapest

Budapest,H-1068 Budapest, Benczúr utca 35, tel.: +361 479-5650, email: info@hotelbenczur.hu, https://www.hotelbenczur.hu


Gábor Fáth (ELTE TTK)


We map one-dimensional quantum systems to classical time series and explore how strong quantum correlations turn into nontrivial classical time autocorrelations. In particular we show that the Luttinger liquid properties of quantum magnets translate into multifractal time series represented by non-trivial Hurst exponents. These time series have applications in asset price volatility models like "rough volatility".

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