Particle physics / Részecskefizika

Particle production as a function of flattenicity in pp and p-Pb collisions

by Antonio Ortiz (Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM)

Médiaterem (2. épület)


2. épület


Data from proton - proton (pp) and proton - led-ion (p-Pb) collisions at the LHC energies unveiled fluid-like behavior. Over the last decade, we have tried to understand the origin of the effects. The main issue of small systems is that the correlation between particle production and the collision geometry (impact parameter) is very weak. In this talk, I will discuss flattencity and its connection with the collision geometry. Results from Monte Carlo simulations for pp and p-Pb collisions will be shown. The first measurements using ALICE data will be discussed as well as the prospects for the ongoing LHC Run 3 data.

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