Ab-initio methodologies for complex magnetism and magneto-superconductivity
The workshop is generously supported by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation and the Psi-k network.
Magnetism and superconductivity are at the forefront of solid-state physics research, both concerning fundamental studies concerning strongly correlated or topological phenomena and in applications ranging from sensing to various types of computing architectures. Methods based on density-functional theory (DFT) provide a quantitative and material-specific description of these phenomena going beyond model-type approaches. These DFT-based approaches face many challenges including the theoretical development of the methods and their efficient implementation in state-of-the-art high-performance computing.
The primary objective of this workshop is to discuss recent developments in the DFT-based description of magnetic and superconducting materials. It aims to strengthen the connections between different approaches, with an emphasis on Green's function-based methods which are especially well suited for the description of surfaces, embedded impurities or substitutional alloys. Applications of these methods to the description of exotic magnetic structures and of transport properties in magnets or supeconductors will also be discussed. Internationally renowned experts will present the most recent results in this field. We cordially invite further participants, particularly young researchers, to contribute poster presentations and to join the discussions and networking.