Theoretical physics / Elméleti fizika

Kamel Ourabah (University of Algiers): On the Tsallis statistical mechanics approach to the Thomas - Fermi model: Application to quantum plasmas



We present a formulation of the Thomas-Fermi atomic model within the framework of Tsallis q - statistics. Starting from the Tsallis counterpart of the Fermi-Dirac distribution and keeping the same structure, we derive a generalized Thomas-Fermi equation. It is shown that the correction due to the Tsallis q - statistics dominates the usual thermal correction term, in the low-temperature limit. We apply this model to the investigation of the screening effect in a quantum plasma. We study the effect of the Tsallis correction on the Fermi length (counterpart of the Debye length in a quantum plasma) and its connection with other corrections (thermal and relativistic). A formulation of the model in an arbitrary n dimensional space is also presented and some outlooks are discussed.