15–19 Jun 2015
Hotel Mercure Buda, Budapest
Europe/Budapest timezone
Have a safe trip back, please send us your photos!

Vortex Creep Against Toroidal Flux Lines and Implications for Pulsar Glitches and Neutron Star Structure

16 Jun 2015, 17:50
Conference Room B (Hotel Mercure Buda)

Conference Room B

Hotel Mercure Buda


Mr Erbil GÜGERCINOGLU (Istanbul University Astronomy and Space Sciences Department)


As theoretical calculations and recent simulations indicate, neutron stars must have a stronger toroidal field component in the outer core which surrounds the poloidal field. Then, this toroidal field in the form of flux lines will offer pinning sites for vortex lines similar to the conditions in the inner crust. As we have shown, the moment of inertia of the corresponding region can be larger than that of the crust depending on the radial extension of the toroidal flux. Furthermore, we found that the response of the toroidal flux line region to a glitch is exponential relaxation with timescales of the order of several days to months fitting the postglitch observations. Due to the contribution of toroidal flux region, angular momentum constraint for the glitches changes and our findings can resolve entrainment crisis for large glitches.

Primary author

Mr Erbil GÜGERCINOGLU (Istanbul University Astronomy and Space Sciences Department)

Presentation materials