15–19 Jun 2015
Hotel Mercure Buda, Budapest
Europe/Budapest timezone
Have a safe trip back, please send us your photos!

The Abnormal Glitch Signature of PSR J1119-6127 and the Vortex Creep Model

18 Jun 2015, 17:00
Conference Room A (Hotel Mercure Buda)

Conference Room A

Hotel Mercure Buda


Mr Onur Akbal (Sabanci University)


Standard glitches are characterized by a positive step in angular velocity and a negative step in the spin-down rate of the pulsar. There are no glitch-associated changes in the electromagnetic signature of rotation- powered pulsars in all cases so far. For the first time, in the last glitch of PSR J1119- 6127, there is clear evidence for changing emission properties coincident with the glitch. This glitch is also unusual in its signature. Further, the absolute value of the spin-down rate actually decreases in the long term. This is in contrast to usual glitch behaviour. In this paper we extend the vortex creep model in order to take into account these peculiarities. We propose that a starquake with crustal plate movement towards the rotational poles of the star induces inward vortex motion which causes the unusual glitch signature. The component of the magnetic field perpendicular to the rotation axis will decrease, giving rise to a permanent change in the pulsar external torque.

Primary author

Mr Onur Akbal (Sabanci University)


Prof. Mehmet Ali Alpar (Sabanci University)

Presentation materials