Prof. Juan A. Valiente Kroon (School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London): Studying black holes by means of geometric invariants
Tanácsterm (RMKI KFKI III. ép.)
The Kerr spacetime is, arguably, one of the most important exact
solutions to the vacuum Einstein field equations. It describes a
rotating stationary black hole, and it is expected to describe, in some
sense, the final stage of the evolution of a dynamical black hole
spacetime. The Kerr spacetime is characterised by the existence of a
so-called Killing spinor with a very particular asymptotic behaviour at
infinity. In this talk I will discuss an ongoing research programme
(carried out in collaboration with T. Bäckdahl) to construct geometric
invariants which allow to establish in a precise and rigorous manner what
it means that a dynamical black hole is close to a member of the Kerr
family. The connection between these invariants and some fundamental
problems in the mathematical theory of black holes will be explored
during the talk.