Theoretical physics / Elméleti fizika

Yuji Satoh (University of Tsukuba, Japan): Gluon scattering amplitudes from gauge/string duality and integrability



By the gauge/string duality, gluon scattering amplitudes of N=4 super Yang-Mills theory at strong coupling are given by the area of minimal surfaces in anti-de Sitter space. These minimal surfaces are described by certain integral equations. We observe a general connection between these integral equations and the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA) equations for the homogeneous sine-Gordon (HSG) model. By calculating the g-functions (boundary entropy) and the free energy of the HSG model, we also derive analytic expansions of the scattering amplitudes around kinematic points corresponding to the high-temperature limit of the TBA equations. We find that appropriately rescaled remainder functions at strong coupling are very close to those at 2 loops.