6:00 PM
Neutron texture analyses of Bronze Age swords from the Alpine region: benchmarking neutron diffraction against laboratory methods
Winfried Kockelmann
(STFC-Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
6:00 PM
Nondestructive evaluation of the microstructure of iron parts of traditional Japanese sword manufacturing process by pulsed neutron transmission spectroscopy
Genki Hori
(Nagoya University)
6:00 PM
A Feasibility Study of Cultural Properties in Hidden Relics using Neutron and X-ray Imaging Technique
TaeJoo Kim
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
6:00 PM
PGAA as an analyzing tool for glass archaeological samples
Bogdan Constantinescu
(– National Institute for Nuclear Physics and Engineering “Horia Hulubei”, Bucharest – 077125, ROMANIA)
6:00 PM
PGAA as an analyzing tool for obsidian archaeological samples
Bogdan Constantinescu
(National Institute for Nuclear Physics and Engineering “Horia Hulubei”, Bucharest – 077125, ROMANIA)
6:00 PM
Monte Carlo Simulation of Compton Imaging Tomography for Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis
Heather Chen-Mayer
6:00 PM
Determination of firing temperature of clay pottery wares by Small Angle Neutron Scattering
Adel Len
Katalin Bajnok
(Wigner research Centre for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
6:00 PM
Examining pottery forming techniques through combined petrographic analysis and neutron tomography
John Gait
(Fitch Laboratory, British School at Athens)
6:00 PM
Neutron characterization of ancient and modern textiles
Massimo Rogante
(Rogante Engineering Office)
6:00 PM
Preliminary result of investigation of the metal composition of coins from Phanagoria's treasure by method of neutron resonance capture analysis
Almat Yergashov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
6:00 PM
Application of Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis to Provenance Study of the Korean Obsidian Artifacts
Seonbok Yi
(Seoul National University)
Yong-Joo Jwa
(Gyeongsang National University)
6:00 PM
Lithic material of Tata-Porhanyó investigated by prompt-gamma activation analysis and petrographical methods
Katalin T. Biró
(Hungarian National Museum)
6:00 PM
NeXT-Grenoble, a novel Neutron and X-ray Tomography characterisation facility
Duncan Atkins
(Institute Laue Langevin)
6:00 PM
PIXE investigation of ancient linen fabrics dated from Old Kingdom to Ptolemaic ages (2200-300 B.C.)
Massimo Rogante
(Rogante Engineering Office)
6:00 PM
Determination of the chlorine content of archaeological iron artefacts by prompt gammaactivation analysis
Friedrich Wagner
(Physics Department, Technical University of Munich)
6:00 PM
Production and use of bronze spirals in the 2nd Millennium BC Carpathian Basin
Géza Szabó
(Wosinsky Museum, Szekszárd)
6:00 PM
Erősd and related sites investigated by prompt-gamma activation analysis and petrographical methods
Sándor Sztáncsuj
(Székely National Museum, Sfântu Gheorghe)
6:00 PM
Time and frequency domain analysis of pulsed cold neutron beam PGAA
Danyal Turkoglu
Heather Chen-Mayer
6:00 PM
Inverse Iteration Algorithm for Neutron Depth Profiling
Caijin Xiao
(China Institute of Atomic Energy)
Xiangchun Jin
(China Institute of Atomic Energy)
Yonggang Yao
(China Institute of Atomic Energy)
6:00 PM
Microstructural characterization of European historical swords through neutron imaging
Francesco Grazzi
(Consiglio Nazionale Ricerche)