11–14 Nov 2013
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Europe/Budapest timezone

Wigner Jenő a fasori diák - Eugene P. Wigner, Pupil of a Legendary School

12 Nov 2013, 16:00
Ceremonial Hall (Díszterem) (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

Ceremonial Hall (Díszterem)

Hungarian Academy of Sciences

9. Széchenyi István Square, 1051 Budapest


Prof. László Kovács


“Naturally, we learned Physics from Sándor Mikola.” Wigner recalled. “I am proud to say that after two years of study (under his guidance at the Budapest Lutheran Gymnasium), the physics courses at the Budapest University of Technical Sciences (Műegyetem) and the Berlin Technische Hochschule seemed to be almost mere repetition.” “Never will I forget my former teachers, among them teacher of mathematics László Rátz , a genuine peadagogue and warmhearted man, who first awoke in me a love for his subject.” --­Wigner wrote. We introduce during the lecture Wigner’s school years, his dearest teachers and his secondary school itself –the Budapest Lutheran (“Fasori”) Gymnasium—which compares well with the achievements of the Bronx High School of Science in the United States, New York.

Presentation materials