11–14 Nov 2013
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Europe/Budapest timezone

ELI-ALPS: A Challenge and Opportunity for European, Regional and National Science

12 Nov 2013, 11:20
Reading Room (Felolvasó terem) (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

Reading Room (Felolvasó terem)

Hungarian Academy of Sciences


Prof. Dimitris Charalambidis


ELI-ALPS is one of the three pillars of ELI, the first large scale European laser user facility, and one of the ESFRI roadmap Research Infrastructures. ELI-ALPS, to be fully implemented in Szeged by 2018, focuses mainly on attosecond radiation sources offering beyond the state of the art beam parameters to international users. The challenge of turning contemporary research findings to a unique tool serving science and technology will be further extended at ELI-ALPS to other radiation sources spanning the spectral region between THz and x-rays, as well as to novel laser driven electron and ion sources. In my presentation I will summarize the central features of the infrastructure and highlight opportunities opened to European and regional users in conducting forefront research of scientific, technological and social interest.

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