11–14 Nov 2013
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Europe/Budapest timezone

Newton Force from Wave Function Collapse: a Testable Emergence Time

12 Nov 2013, 09:45
Great Lecture Hall (Nagyterem) (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

Great Lecture Hall (Nagyterem)

Hungarian Academy of Sciences


Dr Lajos Diósi


Wigner, to illustrate the inevitable influence of environmental noise on macroscopic quantum objects, estimated that even in intergalactic space a 1cm solid looses its wave function in about 1s due to cosmic background radiation. One of the hypothetic models of quantum-classical boundary is gravity-related spontaneous wave function collapse (Diosi-Penrose model). Recently I have extended the model and propose that collapses are responsible for the emergence of the Newton force between massive objects. I identify the collapse rate, possibly of the order of 1ms, with the rate of emergence of the Newton force. A simple heuristic emergence (delay) time is added to the Newton law of gravity. No available experimetal evidence exists against it. Confirmation or refutal can be done in feasible modern Cavendish experiments with the moving source and of better time-resolution w.r.t. to the old tests. References: [1] E. Wigner: in Quantum Optics, Experimental Gravitation, and Measurement, eds. P. Meystre and M.O. Scully, Plenum, New York, 1983, p. 43. [2] L. Diósi: Phys. Lett. A377, 1782 (2013

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