11–14 Nov 2013
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Europe/Budapest timezone

Nuclear Structure Aspects from Gamma‐decay from Giant Resonances

12 Nov 2013, 14:00
Small Chamber Room (Kisterem) (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

Small Chamber Room (Kisterem)

Hungarian Academy of Sciences


Prof. Angela Bracco


Measurements of gamma-decay from giant resonances (including the their tail regions) are important to probe in detail the properties of these states and thus to test theoretical predictions based on mean fields. This presentation focuses mainly on two aspects concerning the electric dipole excitation in nuclei. The first is the study of the low energy tail of the Giant Dipole Resonance (Pygmy resonance) using different probes to understand the nature of these high lying excited states. Some recent results obtained using the gamma detector array AGATA will be presented. The second aspect is relatated to the study of the isospin symmetry by using as a probe the gamma-decay of the GDR in thermalized systems formed with neutron evaporation reactions. Perspectives related to new planned or possible experiments will be discussed.

Presentation materials