Juha Javanainen
(University of Connecticut, USA)
12/11/2013, 08:30
We consider a double-well trap containing a BEC, assuming that the numbers of the atoms on both sides of the trap are monitored continuously using light scattering. We develop both an exact quantum mechanical simulation, including back-action from detection of the scattered light, and a classical simulation by expanding the quantum theory as powers in the inverse of the total number of...
James D. Franson
(University of Maryland, USA)
12/11/2013, 09:20
Schrodinger cat states, which are quantum-mechanical superpositions of macroscopic states, are of fundamental interest in studying the boundary between the quantum and classical worlds. I will discuss a method for generating phase-entangled macroscopic coherent states using weak optical nonlinear phase shifts. These states can produce nonlocal interference effects that violate Bell’s...
Gernot Alber
(University of Darmstadt, Germany)
12/11/2013, 10:30
The dynamics of spontaneous photon emission and absorption by elementary two-level systems inside cavities of finite sizes is discussed. It is shown that the influence of boundaries of these cavities on spontaneous photon emission and absorption processes can be described in a convenient way with the help of semiclassical photon path representations over a wide range of wavelengths. Thereby,...
Fedor Jelezko
(University of Ulm, Germany)
12/11/2013, 10:55
Dimitris Charalambidis
12/11/2013, 11:20
ELI-ALPS is one of the three pillars of ELI, the first large scale European laser user facility, and one of the ESFRI roadmap Research Infrastructures. ELI-ALPS, to be fully implemented in Szeged by 2018, focuses mainly on attosecond radiation sources offering beyond the state of the art beam parameters to international users. The challenge of turning contemporary research findings to a unique...
Renato Fedele
12/11/2013, 11:45