Theoretical physics / Elméleti fizika

Szilagyi Bela (Caltech): Stretching the limits of Numerical Relativity



In the past decade Numerical Relativity has seen a tremendous amount of progress. Starting with the work of F. Pretorius the problem of binary black hole coalescence is no longer unreachable territory. Yet, with all the successes of his work and of the following, puncture-based, approach creation of a comprehensive and accurate gravitational wave template bank remains an objective yet to be achieved. The Spectral Einstein Code, first developed at Caltech and Cornell, has been the most accurate tool for modeling the inspiral and merger of binary black holes. After a number of recent breakthroughs, this code is not only the most accurate but also the most efficient code on the black hole market. I will illustrate what can be done today and then discuss some of the newly found opportunities opened up by this code in the field of gravitational wave science.