Strong Field Physics

May 17, 2022, 9:00 AM


Prof. Johann Rafelski (Department of Physics, University of Arizona)


Strong fields create strong acceleration and thus a strong radiation reaction (RR) force. We demonstrate within the Eliezer-Ford-O'Connell (EFO) RR model for many externally applied field configurations D,H a Lorentz-invariant upper bound to the acceleration of a particle. A limit to the strength of acceleration implies a limit to the strength of EM force fields E,B reminiscent of the limiting field strength present within the Born-Infeld model of electromagnetism. We show that the commonly used Landau-Lifshitz (LL) RR-model a) arises from a perturbative expansion of EFO and b) does not limit acceleration. In the ongoing research program we are seeking to extend the RR force involving in a dynamical way the interaction of accelerated charged particles with the (quantum) vacuum, using the method of path warping which we developed to describe RR in material background. Path-warping relaxes the orthogonality constraint on the covariant equation of motion resolving self-acceleration conflicts introduced by the Schott RR term. We hope that within the path warping approach a variational RR principle appears which has escaped prior discovery. A related lingering question is if strong RR effects are already inherent to QED. We address this question by comparing particle scattering cross sections obtained within RR model with the know (scalar) QED cross sections. For further reading see:

[1] Radiation reaction and limiting acceleration; 2112.04444 Will Price, Martin Formanek, JR

[2] Radiation reaction friction: Resistive material medium; 2004.09634 Martin Formanek, Andrew
Steinmetz, JR,

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