Above the chiral restoration crossover at T ~ 150 MeV the QCD effective action is approximately chiral spin symmetric. It is a symmetry of the color charge in QCD as well as of the chromoelectric interaction. This symmetry is larger than the chiral symmetry of Dirac Lagrangian. This symmetry implies that degrees of freedom are chirally symmetric quarks connected by electric strings into color...
Investigation of the femtoscopic correlation functions in heavy ion collisions is an important tool to access the space-time structure of the hadron production of the sQGP. The description of the measured correlation functions is often assumed to be Gaussian or exponential, but a detailed analysis reveals that the statistically correct assumption is a generalized Gaussian, the symmetric...
Finite baryon density induces a direct mixing between vector
and axial-vector states, which yields multiple bumps and peaks around the vacuum masses of the rho, omega and phi resonances in the spectral function. The modification become significantly pronounced when the mass difference between the parity partners decreases at high density. We propose that the emergent enhancement in the...
The impact of mesonic fluctuations on the restoration of the $U_A(1)$ anomaly is investigated non-perturbatively for three flavors at finite temperature in an effective model setting. Using the functional renormalization group, the dressed, fully field dependent Kobayashi--Maskawa--'t Hooft (KMT) anomaly coupling is computed. It is found that mesonic fluctuations strengthen this signature of...
Contrary to the field theoretical calculations in the thermodynamic limit where the volume is assumed to be infinitely large, the heavy-ion collisions always carry the effects of the finite size. For a sufficiently small system, the volume is expected to affect the thermodynamical quantities and the phase diagram of the strongly interacting matter. To study these effects one can take into...
Recent observation data of pulsar masses led us to estimate nuclear parameters, however. we introduced the maximal-mass compact star scenario and took into account data satisfying these criteria. We tested our method, applying the parity doublet model in the mean-field approximation at the finite chemical potential at zero temperature to investigate the recent observation data of pulsar...
Hadronization is a non-perturbative process, which theoretical description can not be deduced
from first principles. Modeling hadron formation, requires several assumptions and various
phenomenological approaches. Utilizing state-of-the-art Computer Vision and Deep Learning
algorithms, it is eventually possible to train neural networks to learn non-linear and non-
perturbative features of...
Machine Learning (ML) techniques have been employed for the high energy physics (HEP) community since the early 80s to deal with a broad spectrum of problems. This work explores the prospects of using Deep Learning techniques to estimate elliptic flow (v2) in heavy-ion collisions at the RHIC and LHC energies. A novel method is developed to process the input observables from track-level...
Measurements of jet profiles in high-energy collisions are sensitive probes of
QCD parton splitting and showering. Precise understanding of the jet struc-
tures are essential for setting the baseline not only for nuclear modification of
jets in heavy-ion collisions, but also for possible semi-soft cold QCD effects such
as multi-parton interactions (MPI) that may modify jets in...
Heavy Ion Collisions (HIC) provided the possibility of researching the phase transitions from hadronic matter to the predicted Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) phase based on partonic degrees of freedom. Conditions at HIC – nuclear densities much higher than nuclear density and/or temperatures above 150 MeV – suggest such a form of matter both dominant just after the Big Bang as in the cores of...
The ubiquitous presence of quasi-power law functions
in multiparticle production processes are discussed
from the perspective of nonextensive Tsallis distributions.
Special emphasis is placed on the conjecture that this
reflects the presence in the produced hadronic systems
of some intrinsic fluctuations.
In particular we analyze a connection between energy
and multiplicity...
We have analyzed the transverse momentum spectra of charged particles in high multiplicity pp collisions at LHC energies 5.02 and 13 TeV using the Color String Percolation Model (CSPM). For heavy ions, Pb-Pb at 2.76 and 5.02 TeV along with Xe-Xe at 5.44 TeV have been analyzed. The initial temperature is extracted both in low and high multiplicity events in pp collisions. For heavy-ion...
We present reports on progress in the solution of the mass dynamical gen-
eration problem in particle physics at the fundamental level of the strong
interactions. It is based on new significant insights into the true dynamical
and gauge structures of the QCD ground state. The conclusive proof has
been given that the structure of the QCD ground state is much more com-
posite than it is...
Strong fields create strong acceleration and thus a strong radiation reaction (RR) force. We demonstrate within the Eliezer-Ford-O'Connell (EFO) RR model for many externally applied field configurations D,H a Lorentz-invariant upper bound to the acceleration of a particle. A limit to the strength of acceleration implies a limit to the strength of EM force fields E,B reminiscent of the...
There is a renewed interest in extending relativistic description of plasma response in external electromagnetic fields from Vlasov equation to a form including Boltzmann collision term [1–4]. In this work we incorporate the relaxation rate approximation of collisions [2] in a manifestly covariant way assuring explicitly current and energy-momentum conservation for two-component...
We investigate the electromagnetic response of quark-gluon plasma starting from the Boltzmann
equation in the limit of linear response. We model the quark-gluon plasma as an infinite medium
of ultra-relativistic quarks and anti-quarks which collide with a momentum averaged damping rate
in the BGK approximation. This medium is then perturbed electromagnetically by colliding heavy
ions and...
We study the QED effective action in strong electric fields. Employing the Weisskopf (1936) and
Nikishov (1969) summation methods, novel analytical properties of the QED strong field effective
action are discovered, inaccessible to Schwinger proper time method. Using these rediscovered
tools we incorporate anomalous magnetic moment as a correction to the Euler-Heisenberg, and
The high-intensity light pulses used in mutiphoton experiments come from amplifiers,
and these pulses contain quite strong (unwanted) ‘pre-pulses’, or ‘pedestals’. The main source of
the pedestal is said to be the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) of the amplifying medium.
Since the photon statistics of the ASE is differe nt from that of the main pulse, the study of
We investigate the usage of a Schlieren imaging setup to measure the geometrical dimensions of a plasma channel in atomic vapor. Near resonant probe light is used to image the plasma channel in a tenuous vapor and machine learning techniques are tested for extracting quantitative information
from the images. By building a database of simulated signals with a range of plasma parameters for...
We present a new family of exact solutions of dissipative fireball hydrodynamics for arbitrary bulk and shear viscosities. The main property of these solutions is a spherically symmetric, Hubble flow field. The motivation of this paper is mostly academic: we apply non-relativistic kinematics for simplicity and clarity. In this limiting case, the theory is particularly clear: the...
The European XFEL produces up to 20 GeV electron bunches with a repetition of up to 27 kHz to ultimately provide a large range of coherent X-rays to users with individual pulse energies on the order of 1 mJ. We discuss the development of a new experimental program, Superradiant THz radiation at the European XFEL (STERN), to produce large THz fields by passing the electron beam through...
Sorface plasmon polaritons (SPP) and their localized versions (LSPP) have numerous special properties, opening the way to a high number of applications. One group of these applications is connected with the generation of plasmons in extremely high EM fields, being the topics of the present talk. High intensity femtosecond laser pulses have been used for the plasmonic excitation. The created ...
In this talk, I will give an introduction to the laser systems, laser-driven attosecond and particle sources and some state-of-the-art user endstations of the ELI-ALPS facility located in Szeged, Hungary.
In modern continuum mechanics there are several mathematical methods to deduce the consequences of the entropy inequality: establis constitutive functions, constitutive relations and evolution equations. These methods are challenged by gradient dependent constitutive state spaces. One of the most powerfull techniques is Liu procedure, a method to solve conditional inequalities. Then one can...
We consider the evolution equations for the bulk viscous pressure, diffusion current and shear
tensor derived within the second order relativistic dissipative hydrodynamics from kinetic theory.
By matching the higher order moments directly to the dissipative quantities, all terms which are
of second order in the Knudsen number Kn vanish, leaving only terms of order O(Re−1 Kn) and
In most of the engineering problems, the classical constitutive laws such as Fourier and Navier-Stokes equations are applicable. However, there are certain cases when these models require the generalization of the constitutive equations [1]. Such deviation can be observed also in case of rarefied gases. The deviation occurs due to the so-called ballistic propagation effects [2].
In this...
We find an argument related to the existence of a Z_2-symmetry for the renormalization group flow derived from the bare Yang–Mills Lagrangian, and show that the cancellation of the vacuum energy may arise motivated both from the renormalization group flow solutions and the effective Yang–Mills action. In the framework of the effective Savvidy’s action, two Mirror minima are allowed, with...
Proton therapy is a novel treatment against cancer, thanks to its advantageous deep dose distribution
containing the so-called Bragg-peak, just before the stopping position of the protons. To focus this peak
into the tumor volume is a big challenge, as it requires the determination of the deep dose distribution
for every beam during dose planning. This incoming information of the deep dose...
Motivated by the nonlinear Schrödinger equation of Kostin we propose a novel method to
extract kinetic energy from an ensemble of quantum particles. This task is achieved by applying
external time-dependent forces governed by the phase of the wave function. In particular, we
demonstrate that a Gaussian wave packet climbing an appropriately designed inverted
harmonic oscillator potential...
Laser induced Inertial Confinement Fusion has some
difficulties. In the NAPLIFE project our aim is to circumvent
these by new ideas from ultra-relativistic heavy ion reactions
and nanotechnology. We aim for time-like detonation to avoid
instabilities and slow spreading of the burning front and
regulate the light absorption in the target by implanted
Raman spectroscopy is widely used to characterize different materials through characteristic vibrations of their constituents. It is highly sensitive to changes in bonding configuration, crystalline structure, isotope content, or even internal stress. We report on Raman spectroscopic studies of structural transformations in urethane dimethacrylate/triethylene glycol dimethacrylate copolymer...
In the presence of an external electric field, electron-hole
pairs are amply created near the Dirac points in graphene. Due to the ef-
fective coupling constant being more than unity (2.2 for pristine graphene)
perturbative techniques are futile in describing the phenomenon. We
present a non-perturbative kinetic equation approach to describe the
creation of an electron-hole plasma in a...
We use the linear response theory to describe the inter-nuclear potential in dense early Universe
e ̄e-pair plasma. We account for nuclear motion perturbing plasma as a function of time. Prior
efforts are improved by inclusion of moving screening charge scattering in the dense plasma medium
and quantitative evaluation of the governing collision damping rate. We asses the influence of...
The introduction of nonadditive entropies enables a convenient generalization of Boltzmann-Gibbs statistical mechanics, currently referred to as nonextensive statistical mechanics. Its foundations and illustrative applications to high energy physics, plasmas and scale-free networks will be briefly presented.
Updated Bibliography is available at http://tsallis.cat.cbpf.br/biblio.htm ,...