Nov 10 – 11, 2021
Hotel Mercure Budapest Castle Hill
Europe/Budapest timezone

Accelerating Tridiagonal Solvers

Nov 10, 2021, 12:10 PM
Hotel Mercure Budapest Castle Hill

Hotel Mercure Budapest Castle Hill

1013 Budapest, Krisztina Körút 41-43


István Reguly (PPKE ITK)


In this talk, we present work recently done by our group on the parallel solution of multiple tridiagonal linear systems that typically arise during the solution of discretised partial differential equations. We briefly introduce the established serial (Thomas) and parallel (Parallel Cyclic Reduction) algorithms for individual systems, then discuss how multiple systems are formed and solved in a high-dimensional system - including shared memory, distributed memory, and pipeline parallelism, targeting recent many-core CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs. We demonstrate scalability up to 16k CPU cores or 32 GPUs for large systems representative of CFD applications. We also study computational and energy efficiency on GPUs and FPGAs on smaller problems representative of applications in computational finance, demonstrating that a Xilinx Altevo U280 can closely match an NVIDIA V100 GPU in terms of throughput, and significantly outperform it in terms of energy efficiency.

Primary authors

István Reguly (PPKE ITK) Mr Gábor Dániel Balogh (PPKE ITK) Toby Flynn (University of Warwick) Kamalavasan Kamalakkannan (University of Warwick) Dr Gihan Mudalige (University of Warwick )

Presentation materials