Particle physics / Részecskefizika

Highlights from QM2022 from a hadron physics perspective

by Zoltán Varga (Wigner FK RMI NFO)

Médiaterem (2. épület)


2. épület


The Quark Matter conference of 2022 brought together theoretical and experimental physicists from around the world to discuss the latest developments in high energy heavy-ion physics. In my presentation, I am going to present a (subjective) selection of highlights from the conference. My focus will be mainly on heavy-flavor physics developments, jet-structure studies, correlations/fluctuations, and emergent QCD phenomena in high-multiplicity proton-proton and proton-nucleus collisions. I hope that this talk will inspire new ideas and future research directions among the audience.


Meeting ID: 675 9000 4845
Passcode: 344007