Nov 17 – 18, 2022
Mercure Budapest Castle Hill
Europe/Budapest timezone

No-signaling and quantum correlations from the applications' point of view

Not scheduled
Mercure Budapest Castle Hill

Mercure Budapest Castle Hill

Budapest, Ntak:Sz19000364, Szálloda, Krisztina krt. 41-43, 1013•(06 1) 488 8100


Mátyás Koniorczyk (Wigner FK)


Bell's inequalities were the first quantifications of quantum nonlocality. They are relevant in the so-called Bell-type scenarios and appear as a consequence of quantum entanglement, and the Nobel prize in Physics in 2022 was awarded partly for their experimental study. This kind of nonlocality is the key resource of the emerging technology of quantum information processing, including both communicational and computational applications. Quantum correlations belong to a broader class of no-signaling correlations: the ones which do not enable the communication between parties. While the structure of nonclassical correlations is well studied, it can be expected that additional applications of them are still to be discovered, notably in situations when the activities of parties has to be coordinated without sharing confidential details. We present a framework for finding such applications using a game-theoretic framework. We also present a web application programming interface (Web API) that implements such correlations, readily enabling developers to experiment with such resources.

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