Jun 6 – 9, 2023
Ensana Hotel Margaret Island
Europe/Budapest timezone


1st Circular:

Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends!

We continue our series of meetings bringing together researchers across several research fields interested in

     Particles and Plasmas.

The second meeting will be held in June 7-9, 2023, in Budapest, Hungary in a lovely location at the Thermal Hotel on Margaret Island.

Registration is now open. For details see our indico web page at https://indico.wigner.hu/e/pp2023

Looking forward to welcome you at this event in Budapest,

The Local Organizing Committee

Tamás Biró
Norbert Króó
Gergely Gábor Barnaföldi
Sándor Varró
Gábor Bíró


2nd Circular:


Dear Participants of the PP2023 Symposium!

The 2nd Margaret Island Symposium on Particles, and Plasmas -- PP2023
will be held in Budapest, Hungary at the Ensana Thermal Grand Hotel on
Margaret Island, Budapest-Margitsziget. Registration will open on the
6th June followed by a Welcome Reception. The scientific program start
from 7th and goes until 9th June 2023.
The Thermal hotel is a calm and relaxing place in the heart of a dense
city, Budapest. We hope you will enjoy the Scientific programme.
We will cover the main topics:
       Perspectives on Laser and Particle Beam Aided Fusion
       Particle Production in Strong Fields
       Field Theory and Strongly Interacting Plasmas
       New Methods and Mathematical Techniques

The meeting will be held only in person format. No remote connection
will be provided.
You may find some useful further information below.
Registration (operated by Diamond Congress LTD) will be opened from
15:00, Tuesday, 6th June. We will welcome you at Welcome Reception
starting from 19:00 in Room Jasmin 1.

We have finalized the scientific program, which start from 7th June
(Wednesday) and lasts to 9th June (Friday) 2022.

On all days we start at 9:00 a.m. and continue until late afternoon. 
The full program programme, is available here:

Social Program is a dinner & cruising on the River Danube, which is
scheduled on Thursday evening. We will meet at the Registration desk at
17:45 and move to the pier nearby together. When the boat depart, there
is no further possibility to join. We hope good weather for this night

Some of you have been attached with section. Check if it is OK with you
and let us know if modifications required. You may check on this page. 
We ask session chairs to show up 5 minutes in advance to their session:

The Ensana Thermal Hotel on the Margaret Island is located at the North
We suggest to use Google
or the Budapest Go app
Cars are not allowed to enter to the main part of the Margaret Island.
Cars can enter only from North, and parking is available near the Hotel
for 3500 HUF/day. Choose Hotel button at the gate upon entry, otherwise
you may pay more for parking. By choosing the Hotel option you have to
purchase the fee at the hotel reception. In the entire island only
local transportation, shuttles, and taxi services are allowed.

The meeting will be held only in person format. No remote connection
will be provided. We ask all speakers to prepare their presentations in
PDF format. These should be sent not later than 1 day before the
session start to 

biro.gabor@wigner.hu AND barnafoldi.gergely@wigner.hu 

(even from now on). We will upload them to the indico site immediately.
Note, if your presentation  is larger than 20MB mail might not work. In
that case use file share with us).

In case of any problem call us
Gergely G. Barnaföldi: 	+36 30 24 55474
Tamás S. Biró:          +36 20 435 1283
Diamond Congress:       +36 20 936 2969 (Attila Varga)
Looking Forward to see you in Budapest, The Local Organizing Committee

Tamás S. Biró
Gergely G. Barnaföldi
Gábor Bíró
Péter Kovács
Norbert Króó