Theoretical physics / Elméleti fizika

Bakar Chargeishvili (University of Hamburg): Automatic Computation of the Soft Anomalous Dimension Matrices for the Heavy Quark Hadroproduction

Tanácsterem (III. ép.)


III. ép.


In this work we present the tools, which were developed to automatize the calculation of the soft anomalous dimension matrices for the heavy quark hadroproduction processes at one- and two-loop accuracy in QCD. The computation of the soft anomalous dimension matrices represent one of the major technical challenges in the resummation formalism to next–to–leading logarithmic and next–to–next–to–leading logarithmic accuracy, involving multiple colored massive states. The tools developed in this project, WilsonWebs and FORMSoft make it possible to perform such calculations fully automatically in an userfriendly manner. The application of these tools is demonstrated on the examples of t\bar{t}j and t\bar{t}t\bar{t} hadroproductions, making the step forward towards implementing a procedure for the resummation of soft-gluon emission logarithms for these processes.