Theoretical physics / Elméleti fizika

The gauge symmetry - unbroken and broken! - in the QCD ground state

by Vahtang Gogohia (HUN-REN Wigner RCP)

Tanácsterem (III. ép.)


III. ép.


The main purpose of our talk to report on convincing progress in the investigation of the true dynamical and gauge structures of the QCD ground state (vacuum). For this, we use only the tensor algebra derivation rigorous rules in dealing with the corresponding skeleton loop Feynman integrals, contributing to the full gluon self-energy. Along with the gluon field configurations preserving the gauge symmetry of the QCD Lagrangian (conventional QCD), we have discovered such a gluon field configurations which breaks this symmetry. However, the PT renormalizability of the theory will not be affected. The solution with broken gauge symmetry dominates over the solution with unbroken one at large distances, while they coincide at short distances. Our findings also shed light on a mass squared dynamical generation in the true QCD vacuum as well as make it possible to exactly and uniquely determine the gauge-fixing function for the full gluon propagator with the correct PT limit.