19–20 Jun 2024
Bosch Budapest Innovation Campus
Europe/Budapest timezone

Quantum-Resilient Security Controls

20 Jun 2024, 14:50



Karthikeyan Sabari Ganesan Vishal Saraswat


In digital communication, authentication, integrity, and confidentiality are fundamental security requirements. These properties enable robust security controls such as secure boot, secure update, secure access, and secure TLS across connected devices. However, existing cryptographic algorithms, while effective against classical threats, vulnerable to powerful quantum attacks. In this paper, we propose quantum-resilient implementantations for the aforementioned security controls. Leveraging NIST-selected algorithms— CRYSTALS-Dilithium, CRYSTALS-Kyber, FALCON, XMSS, and SPHINCS+ our solutions not only withstand quantum attacks but also outperform their classical counterparts in efficiency for various use cases.

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