15–19 Jun 2015
Hotel Mercure Buda, Budapest
Europe/Budapest timezone
Have a safe trip back, please send us your photos!

Pulsars from optical to gamma-rays

18 Jun 2015, 10:00
Mátyas Hall (Hotel Mercure Buda, Budapest)

Mátyas Hall

Hotel Mercure Buda, Budapest

Krisztina Körút 41-43, 1013 Budapest, HUNGARY


Prof. Oleg Kargaltsev (The George Washington University)


For most of the known pulsars their emission is powered by the loss of the their rotational energy. The noncoherent, nonthermal emission has been detected form optical to TeV gamma-rays in >100 pulsars. In a few pulsars we also can see thermal radiation from the neutron star surface/atmosphere. I will review the properties of both components including their efficiencies, dependence of radiation properties on pulsar age and spin-down power, connection between the pulsar and pulsar-wind nebula emission. I will describe the most interesting recent findings.

Primary author

Prof. Oleg Kargaltsev (The George Washington University)


Prof. George Pavlov (Pennsylvania State University)

Presentation materials