15–19 Jun 2015
Hotel Mercure Buda, Budapest
Europe/Budapest timezone
Have a safe trip back, please send us your photos!

Magnetic, thermal, and rotational evolution of neutron stars

16 Jun 2015, 10:00
Mátyas Hall (Hotel Mercure Buda, Budapest)

Mátyas Hall

Hotel Mercure Buda, Budapest

Krisztina Körút 41-43, 1013 Budapest, HUNGARY


Prof. Jose Pons (University of Alicante)


Observations of high magnetic field pulsars have shown that their thermal luminosity is systematically higher than that of classical radio-pulsars, thus confirming the idea that magnetic fields are involved in their X-ray emission. I review the present theory describing the fully coupled evolution of temperature and magnetic field in neutron stars, and results from numerical simulations, which have been used in population synthesis calculations. By comparing theoretical models to a data sample of 40 sources, we can obtain interesting constraints on the initial magnetic field distribution of neutron stars in the galaxy.

Primary author

Prof. Jose Pons (University of Alicante)

Presentation materials