15–20 Aug 2010
Hotel Normafa
Europe/Budapest timezone

The temperature of moving bodies - thermodynamics, hydrodynamics and kinetic theory

Not scheduled
Hotel Normafa

Hotel Normafa

Eötvös út 54 H-1121 Budapest - Hungary
Hydro and Transport Models I.


Dr Péter Ván (MTA KFKI RMKI, Dep. of Theoretical Physics)


In the presentation the concept of temperature in relativistic thermodynamics is shortly surveyed and argued that the historical paradoxes are connected to the stability and causality issues of relativistic hydrodynamic theories. It is shown that a choice of "flow frames" (e.g. Eckart or Landau-Lifshitz), that is the definition of the velocity field, can partially hide the problematic aspects but eventually may lead to numerical instabilities.

Primary author

Dr Péter Ván (MTA KFKI RMKI, Dep. of Theoretical Physics)

Presentation materials

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