15–20 Aug 2010
Hotel Normafa
Europe/Budapest timezone

The nuclear liquid-gas phase transition at large N_c

Not scheduled
Hotel Normafa

Hotel Normafa

Eötvös út 54 H-1121 Budapest - Hungary


Dr Giorgio Torrieri (JW Goethe Universitat, Frankfurt)


We examine the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition at large number of colors (N_c) within the framework of the Van Der Waals (VdW) model. We argue that the VdW equation is appropriate at describing inter-nucleon forces , and discuss how each parameter scales with N_c. We demonstrate that N_c=3 is not large with respect to the other dimensionless scale relevant to baryonic matter, the number of neighbours in a dense system. Consequently, we show that the liquid-gas phase transition looks dramatically different at N_c -> infinity with respect of our world: The critical point temperature becomes of the order of L_qcd rather than below it. The critical point density becomes of the order of the baryonic density, rather than an order of magnitude below it. These are precisely the characteristics usually associated with the ``Quarkyonic phase''. We therefore argue that at large N_c the nuclear liquid phase coincides with the conjectured quarkyonic phase, although the two are thought to occur at very different scales in our world.

Primary author

Dr Giorgio Torrieri (JW Goethe Universitat, Frankfurt)


Dr Jorge Noronha (Columbia university)

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