11–14 Nov 2013
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Europe/Budapest timezone

Operational Geometry on de Sitter Spacetime

12 Nov 2013, 10:55
Great Lecture Hall (Nagyterem) (Universe)

Great Lecture Hall (Nagyterem)



Prof. Chryssomalis Chryssomalakos


Traditional geometry employs idealized concepts like that of a point or a curve, the operational definition of which relies on the availability of classical point particles as probes. Real, physical objects are quantum in nature though, leading us to consider the implications of using realistic probes in defining an effective spacetime geometry. As an example, we consider de Sitter spacetime and employ the centroid of various composite probes to obtain its effective sectional curvature, which is found to depend on the probe’s internal energy, spatial extension, and spin. Possible refinements of our approach are pointed out and remarks are made on the relevance of our results to the quest for a quantum theory of gravity.

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