11–14 Nov 2013
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Europe/Budapest timezone

The reactor ALLEGRO and the sustainable nuclear energy in Central Europe

12 Nov 2013, 08:55
Ceremonial Hall (Díszterem) (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

Ceremonial Hall (Díszterem)

Hungarian Academy of Sciences

9. Széchenyi István Square, 1051 Budapest


Prof. János Gadó


The Visegrad-4 countries (CZ, HU, PL and SK) would like to use nuclear energy on the long run. The construction of new Generation 3+ nuclear units seems to be probable in each country belonging to this region. These reactors will provide safe and cheap electric energy approximately until the end of the 21st century. In order to use nuclear energy in the 22nd century, sustainability of fuel supply shall be achieved by applying Generation 4 breeder reactors with fast spectrum. The corresponding research and development is organized now in the framework of the V4G4 Centre of Excellence establshed by the nuclear research institutes of the region with a strong technical support of the French CEA. The most important milestone of these efforts is the start-up of the ALLEGRO reactor that shall demonstrate the viability of the gas cooled fast reactor technology.

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