March 30, 2020 to April 3, 2020
Organized by the Wigner Research Centre for Physics
Europe/Budapest timezone

We regret to inform you that our conference has been canceled due to the coronavirus outbreak. We are organizing a similar workshop next year, please see the home page of the 2021 workshop

Five-day workshop at the heart of Europe

Our conference is organized in the context of, and is supported by, the COST Action "Quantum Technologies in Space" (QTSpace, CA15220).

It is targeted to the quantum physics community with an emphasis on experiments or missions with a necessity of a space environment or microgravity. The scientific talks will include topics such as atom optics, optical frequency references, opto-mechanics, matter wave interferometry and quantum entanglement. Each of these fields of research can benefit from a microgravity environment, as achieved in Earth-based microgravity platforms like drop towers, parabolic flights or sounding rockets or from a space environment, which offers additional benefits, such as improved microgravity conditions, increased times of undisturbed flight, unperturbed long range measurements or high relative velocities.

To cover the entire range from theoretic models and interesting phenomena to realized or planned experiments and finally implementation and application, speakers with backgrounds in theory, experimental research, and technological development will be invited. This allows to identify new exciting experiments, roadmaps towards implementation and deployment, technological needs and opportunities, as well as new collaborations and mission proposals. An integral part of these goals is the identification of (funding) possibilities and formation of promising partnerships.

Therefore, the conference targets the scientific community, space agencies, space industry, and funding agencies alike.

The conference will take place on the campus of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in Budapest, close to the city center.

Important dates

  • The registration closes on 20 February.
  • The notification of the acceptance is until 1 March.
Organized by the Wigner Research Centre for Physics
Location: Conference room in building A of the Budapest University of Technology
Egry József str. 20-22, Budapest, H-1111

General information

There are possibilities for contributed talks and posters. There is no conference fee, but please be aware that we do not provide lodging for the participants. 

Posters and talks

The posters can already be put up on the first day, and can remain on display for the whole duration of the workshop. The posters will be numbered in alphabetical order and the poster walls will also be numbered. There will be two poster sections, with emphasis on odd and even-numbered posters, to use the room efficiently. The size and orientation of the poster walls are A0 portrait. We provide adhesive gum.

We kindly ask the speakers to send us their slides until the previous day in pdf format by email, so we can ensure a backup solution in case of any technical problems. If you prefer, you can use your own laptop for presentation, please make sure that it works well with our projector before your section (VGA input). We encourage the speakers to allow us to make their slides downloadable here.

Please beware of conference booking scammers!