Nov 25 – 26, 2019
Hotel Mercure Budapest
Europe/Budapest timezone


                                CERN,   SZTAKI and   WIGNER RCP 

                   together with the HEPTech Network are organizing the next

                                 Academia-Industry Matching Event
                   Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning Workshop

The aim of this event is to bring together Academic researchers and Industry experts to share ideas, potential applications and fostering collaborations in the newly emerging field of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, High Performance Computing and related technologies.

Topics of the workshop include

  • Artificial Intelligence 

  • Machine Learning

  • Big Data

  • Visual Analytics

  • Quality of Life

  • Computational Neuroscience

  • Cloud, Computing Technology

  • Computational Physics


Invited speakers (preliminary list)

  • Graeme Andrew Stewart   CERN EP-SFT

  • Andrew Garget  Hartree Centre, STFC

  • Karin Ratshman ESS

  • Szertics Gergely MIK

  • Péter Horváth BRC


Dates 25-26 November 2019

Venue Hotel Mercure Budapest Castle Hill
1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 41-43., Hungary

Call for contribution

Contributed talks and posters are warmly welcome. Competition for young contributors will be organized for the best 2 talks and 2 posters.
Contribution deadline: 12 November 2019.
Notification can be expected by 18 November.

Attendance 80 seats are available.
Registrations are accepted in FIFS order. 

Registration fee 100 € for regular participants.
Free for academic oral or poster presenters,
and young participants with valid student ID.
Registration deadline: 18 November 2019


Contact person


Organizing Committee

András Telcs, Chair Wigner RCP
Jean-Marie Le Goff, Chair CERN

András Benczúr Institute for Computer Science and Control
Gergő Orbán Wigner RCP
Géza Németh Budapest Univ. of Techn. and Econ.
István Csabai Eötvös Loránd University
Péter Lévai Wigner RCP
Ellák Somfai Wigner RCP
Csilla Erdei Wigner RCP
Ildikó Bárányi BRRG TKI
Zsuzsanna Tandi Wigner RCP

Hotel Mercure Budapest
Mátyás Hall (Groundfloor)
Krisztina körút 41-43. 1013 Budapest Hungary