18–20 Sept 2023
Europe/Budapest timezone

Construction of a tracking detector for the future experimental exploration of particle interactions

18 Sept 2023, 14:30
Star auditorium

Star auditorium


Viktor Veszprémi (Wigner RCP)


Measurements at the frontier of particle physics performed by the LHC experiments have been a great success when considering the discovery of the Higgs boson. This was an important missing piece in the puzzle of the standard model that governs particle interactions. However, all other measurements have not provided results incompatible with this theory, thus showing no pointer towards potential extensions. The way out is two-fold by exploiting developments in engineering: particle collisions may be generated and observed at an order of magnitude higher rate to gain an increased sensitivity for direct searches, as well as precision measurements may be performed stepping through the door that is presented by the newly discovered particle. Both require the construction of superb measurement devices. A brief status summary of recent measurement results selected with some bias suited to the activities of our group will be provided in the first part of the presentation as motivation for our detector construction project. This will be followed by the description of the new tracking detector at the CMS experiment with details concerning our group's involvement.

Presentation materials