18–20 Sept 2023
Europe/Budapest timezone

Hard x-ray spectrograph and anomalous soft modes in alpha-iron

19 Sept 2023, 13:50
Star auditorium

Star auditorium


Aleksandr Chumakov (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)


For visible light, the concept of spectrographic imaging — dispersion of
radiation components with various energies in space — has been known since
Newton’s time. In this presentation, we report on a hard (14 keV) x-ray
spectrograph implemented at the European synchrotron, enabling an
observation of anomalous soft modes in alpha-iron [1]. We present new
unpublished data on temperature evolution these modes, suggesting an
anharmonic nature of the phenomenon, possibly with an additional relation
to magnetism.

  1. A. I. Chumakov, Y. Shvyd’ko, I. Sergueev, D. Bessas, and R. Rüffer,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 097402 (2019).

Presentation materials