18–20 Sept 2023
Europe/Budapest timezone

Installation of the first Hungarian magnetically shielded room in Nagycenk

20 Sept 2023, 11:20
Star auditorium

Star auditorium


Géza Erdős (Wigner RCP)


The ELKH Institute of Geophysics and Space Science and the ELKH Wigner Physics Research Centre jointly built a zero magnetic field laboratory in the Széchenyi István Geophysical Observatory, near Nagycenk. The construction of the research infrastructure was completed in the summer of 2023, the commissioning is in progress. The primary purpose of the facility is to build and calibrate magnetometers for space exploration in the environment typical of interplanetary space. Of particular importance is to develop the space-qualified version of a new type of magnetometer, known as SERF magnetometer, which is a rival of superconducting magnetometers in accuracy, but operate in extremely small (less than 10 nT) magnetic field. This was the main motivation for the construction of a magnetically shielded measurement site. Unlike superconducting magnetometers, the SERF magnetometers can be used in space, as they do not require liquid helium cooling. Another application of the zero magnetic field laboratory is the test of the magnetic cleanliness of equipment, before sending it into space. Other interdisciplinary researches can be carried out in the magnetically shielded room as well in the field of materials science, geology, biology and life sciences. The geomagnetic field is reduced by about 5 orders of magnitude in two steps: large compensating electromagnetic coils (active shielding) and a room covered with high permeability plates made of a special metal alloy (passive shielding). The current in the electromagnetic coils is determined by taking into account the geomagnetic field measured in the observatory with one second frequency. The presentation will demonstrate the performance of the magnetically shielded room. Also shown are the potential applications of the installation.

Presentation materials