18–20 Sept 2023
Europe/Budapest timezone

Ultrafast electron processes is solids

18 Sept 2023, 16:20
Star auditorium

Star auditorium


Péter Dombi (Wigner RCP)


Few-femtosecond laser pulses offer a unique potential to control various electron processes in solid-state media. These include the generation of hot electrons [1], inducing nonadiabatic tunneling photoemission [2] and inducing the transient metallization of dielectric media [3]. In my talk, I will review recent experimental progress of the Wigner Research Centre for Physics in each of these fundamental research fields. In addition, I will also present first real-life applications of these phenomena such as the construction of an optical chip detecting the phase shift in femtosecond laser beams.

[1] J. Budai, Z. Pápa, P. Petrik and P. Dombi, Nature Comm. 13, 6695 (2022).
[2] B. Lovász et al., Nano Lett. 22, 2303 (2022).
[3]. V. Hanus et al., Optica 8, 570 (2021).

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