10–12 Jun 2024
Hotel Hilton in the Royal Castle Hill
Europe/Budapest timezone

The ALICE Experiment at the LHC

10 Jun 2024, 16:00
Hotel Hilton in the Royal Castle Hill

Hotel Hilton in the Royal Castle Hill

1-3. Hess András tér , 1014 Budapest, Hungary


Kai Schweda (CERN)


The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is the most powerful particle accelerator made by human kind.

With a global collaboration of over 1000 scientists from 40 nations, ALICE delves into the extreme conditions generated by ultrarelativistic collisions of heavy nuclei, reminiscent of the universe mere microseconds after the Big Bang.

This presentation provides a glimpse into the cutting-edge technology ALICE uses to detect and identify subatomic particles created in these collisions. The resulting huge amounts of data require innovative solutions with state-of-the-art computers and algorithms. Some selected physics highlights are presented. An outlook for ALICE for the 2030s is given.

Presentation materials