Particles & Plasmas Symposium 2024

Hotel Hilton in the Royal Castle Hill

Hotel Hilton in the Royal Castle Hill

1-3. Hess András tér , 1014 Budapest, Hungary


Original Welcome:

This event is dedicated to assembling experts on the fields of plasma and particle physics, in particular on laser induced fusion and particle production in intense fields. These research areas are promising for future development, they connect to the use of large scale international facilities, like CERN and ELI.


Main Topics:

  • Perspectives on Laser and Particle Beam Aided Fusion
  • Particle Production in Strong Fields
  • Field Theory and Strongly Interacting Plasmas
  • New Methods and Mathematical Techniques

Keynote speakers

  • Berndt Müller (Chair, Duke University, USA)
  • Johann Rafelski (University of Arizona, USA)
  • Wolfgang Schleich (Universität Ulm, Germany)
  • Norbert Kroó (Wigner RCP, Hungary)


Confirmed invited Speakers

  • László Csernai (University of Bergen, Norway)
  • Willibald Plessas (Universität Graz, Austria)
  • Gernot Eichman (Universität Graz, Austria)
  • Chris Grayson (University of Arizona, USA)
  • Boris Tomášik (Univerzita Mateja Bela, Slovakia)
  • Andrea Opitz/Zoltán Német (Wigner RCP, Hungary)
  • Guy Paic (UNAM, Mexico)
  • Tamás Biró (Wigner RCP, Hungary)


International Advisory Committee

  • Berndt Müller (Chair, Duke University, USA)
  • Johann Rafelski (University of Arizona, USA)
  • Horst Stöcker (FIAS and GSI, Germany)
  • Constantino Tsallis (Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
  • Huan Z. Huang (University of Californa, USA)
  • Willibald Plessas (Graz Universität, Austria)
  • David Blaschke (University of Wroclaw, Poland & HZDR/CASUS Görlitz, Germany)

Local Organizing Committee (Wigner RCP)

  • Tamás Sándor Biró (Chair)
  • Norbert Kroó
  • Gergely Gábor Barnaföldi
  • Sándor Varró
  • Gábor Bíró

Important Deadlines

  • Early registration: 15 May 2024


Conference Fee

  • Before 15 May 2024: 420 EUR
  • After 15 May 2024: 490 EUR
  • Andrea Opitz
  • Balázs Pál
  • Berndt Mueller
  • Boris Tomasik
  • Chris Grayson
  • David Blaschke
  • Dávid Palásti
  • Gabor Biro
  • Gergely Barnafoldi
  • Gernot Eichmann
  • Guy Paic
  • Istvan Papp
  • Johann Rafelski
  • Kai Schweda
  • Konstantin Zhukovsky
  • Ludwik Turko
  • László Csernai
  • Miklos Kedves
  • Márk Aladi
  • Norbert Kroó
  • Nour Jalal Abdulameer
  • Róbert Vértesi
  • Sándor Varró
  • Tamas Biro
  • Willibald Plessas
  • Wolfgang Schleich
  • Zoltán Német
  • Zoltán Varga
  • Zsófia Bebesi
  • Zsófia Jólesz
  • Ágnes Nagyné Szokol
    • Opening
      Conveners: Peter Levai (WIGNER RCP), Prof. Tamas Biro (Wigner RCP, Budapest)
    • Particles and plasmas in cosmology and space
      Convener: Prof. Tamas Biro (Wigner RCP, Budapest)
    • 10:45 AM
      Coffee break
    • Particles and plasmas in cosmology and space
      Convener: Prof. Tamas Biro (Wigner RCP, Budapest)
      • 3
        From exotic hadrons to light nuclei
        Speaker: Gernot Eichmann (University of Graz)
      • 4
        Effect of clustered nuclear geometry to azimuthal anisotropy and flow fluctuations in O+O collisions at the LHC

        A nucleus having 4n number of nucleons, such as Be, C, O, etc., is theorised to possess
        clusters of α particles (He nucleus). The Oxygen nucleus (O) has a double magic number, where the presence of an α-clustered nuclear structure grants additional nuclear stability. In this study, we exploit the anisotropic flow coefficients to discern the effects of an α clustered nuclear geometry w.r.t. a Woods-Saxon nuclear distribution in O–O collisions at √sNN = 7 TeV.

        Speaker: Gergely Barnaföldi (HUN-REN Wigner RCP)
    • 12:30 PM
      Lunch break
    • Fields and elementary particle plasmas
      Convener: Berndt Müller
      • 5
        From hadron resonance gas to quark-gluon plasma by Mott dissociation of quark clusters

        We show that results for the thermodynamics of strongly interacting matter obtained by state of the
        art Monte-Carlo simulations of lattice QCD can be adequately described within a generalized BethUhlenbeck type approach, where the hadron resonance gas (HRG) phase appears as a mixture of
        (multi-) quark clusters. The underlying chiral quark dynamics is coupled to a background gluon
        field using the Polyakov gauge. The transition to the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) phase appears as a
        Mott dissociation of the quark clusters described by a model for hadron phase shifts that encodes
        the dissociation of bound states in the continuum of scattering states triggered by the chiral
        symmetry restoration transition. An important ingredient are Polyakov-loop generalized distribution
        functions of multi-quark clusters which are derived here for the first time [1].
        This new approach gives a quantitative understanding for the observation of ultrarelativistic heavyion collision that the abundances of hadrons produced in these experiments are well described by a
        statistical model within a sudden chemical freeze-out at a well-defined hadronization temperature
        despite the fact that the melting of the chiral condensate proceeds as a smooth crossover.
        We report for the first time the remarkable finding that the ratio of generalized baryon number
        susceptibilities $R_{42}^B(T)=\chi_4^B (T)/\chi_2^B (T)$, which interpolates between the value
        $R_{42}^B(T\simeq 140 {\rm MeV})=1$ for a pure HRG and
        $R_{42}^B(T>250 {\rm MeV}) \sim1/9 $ for the QGP shall not be mistaken for a measure of the
        fraction of hadrons in the system. Its deviation from unity can actually quantify the degree of
        overlap of quark wave functions which leads to the quark Pauli blocking effect in the HRG which
        leads to repulsive residual interactions which we model by a temperature dependent excluded
        baryon volume.
        [1] D. Blaschke, M. Cierniak, O. Ivanytskyi and G. Röpke, Eur. Phys. J. A 60 (2024)
        [2] D. Blaschke, O. Ivanytskyi and G. Röpke, in preparation

        Speaker: David Blaschke (University of Wroclaw)
      • 6
        Revisiting of the soft-hard separation of the transverse momentum spectra in pp collisions
        Speaker: Gábor Bíró (HUN-REN Wigner RCP)
      • 7
        The ALICE 3 detector concept for LHC Runs 5 and 6 and its physics performance
        Speaker: Róbert Vértesi (HUN-REN Wigner RCP)
    • 3:30 PM
      Coffee break
    • Fields and elementary particle plasmas
      Convener: Berndt Müller
      • 8
        The ALICE Experiment at the LHC

        The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is the most powerful particle accelerator made by human kind.

        With a global collaboration of over 1000 scientists from 40 nations, ALICE delves into the extreme conditions generated by ultrarelativistic collisions of heavy nuclei, reminiscent of the universe mere microseconds after the Big Bang.

        This presentation provides a glimpse into the cutting-edge technology ALICE uses to detect and identify subatomic particles created in these collisions. The resulting huge amounts of data require innovative solutions with state-of-the-art computers and algorithms. Some selected physics highlights are presented. An outlook for ALICE for the 2030s is given.

        Speaker: Kai Schweda (CERN)
      • 9
        Jet substructure measurements with the ALICE experiment

        Jet substructure measurements are a powerful tool that probe the parton shower differentially in regions of the QCD radiation phase space. They allow us to study the fragmentation patterns of parton showers in proton-proton collisions as well as their modification by the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) in heavy-ion collisions. Jet substructure can also be used to search for QGP-like modifications in small collision systems. The ALICE experiment has a high-precision tracking system allowing for jet measurements down to low transverse momenta, which makes it important for jet substructure measurements in this regime.

        In this presentation, we report several recent jet substructure results in both minimum bias and high multiplicity proton-proton collisions, as well as in Pb–Pb collisions by the ALICE Collaboration. These will include the fully corrected inclusive measurements of the shared momentum fraction of first groomed splitting and the groomed jet radius, as well as measurement of jet axis differences and generalized jet angularities. We also report the measurement of inclusive and leading subjet fragmentation. By mitigating the effects of the underlying event and hadronization processes, these measurements can be compared to theoretical calculations to provide new constraints on the physics that underpin parton fragmentation and jet quenching.

        Speaker: Zoltán Varga (HUN-REN Wigner RCP)
      • 10
        Image reconstruction with proton computed tomography
        Speaker: Zsófia Jólesz (HUN-REN Wigner RCP)
      • 11
        Simulations of Rotating Newtonian Universes
        Speaker: Balázs Pál (Wigner Research Centre for Physics)
    • Particles in Strong Fields
      Convener: Norbert Kroó (HUN-REN Wigner RCP)
      • 12
        Elementary Particles and Plasmas in the first hour of the early Universe

        We deepen the understanding of the primordial composition of the Universe in the temperature range $130\,\mathrm{GeV}>T>0.02\,\mathrm{MeV}$ within the Big Bang model. Massive elementary particles: $t,b,c$-quarks, $\tau,\mu$-leptons, and $W, Z$-gauge bosons emerged at about $T=130\,\mathrm{GeV}$. These elementary particles in the following were abundantly present as the Universe expanded and cooled - our interest is to search for periods of possible chemical non-equilibrium of great importance in baryogenesis. Once the temperature dropped below $T=150$\,~MeV quarks and gluons hadronize into matter. We follow the Universe evolution in depth and study near $T=\mathcal{O}(2)$\,~MeV the emergence of the free-streaming neutrino era and develop methods to understand speed of the Universe expansion. We subsequently follow the early universe pass through the hot dense electron-positron plasma epoch and we analyze the paramagnetic characteristics of the electron-positron plasma when exposed to an external primordial magnetic field. The high density of positron antimatter persisted into the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis era which thus requires study of nuclear reactions in the presence of a highly mobile plasma phase, a topic of the following lecture by Chris.

        Speaker: Johann Rafelski (University of Arizona)
      • 13
        Self-consistent strong screening applied to thermonuclear reactions
        Speaker: Chris Grayson (University of Arizona)
    • 10:45 AM
      Coffee break
    • Particles in Strong Fields
      Convener: Norbert Kroó (HUN-REN Wigner RCP)
      • 14
        The challenges and dangers of the artificial Intelligence

        The surge of AI presents an enormous step in the human history. The reaches of that development require constant supervision of the governements because letting the the development in the hands of comercia companies may bring more harm than benefit.
        I will discuss some of steps needed to get controle of the developments.

        Speaker: Guy Paic (UNAM)
      • 15
        Mass Formulas for the Hypothetical X17 and E38 Particles and the Sizes of the Proton and Neutron
        Speaker: Sándor Varró ((ELI-ALPS Szeged Hungary))
    • 12:30 PM
      Conference photo
    • 12:35 PM
      Lunch break
    • Classical and quantum plasmas
      Convener: Johann Rafelski (Department of Physics, The University of Arizona)
      • 16
        NAPLIFE: NAnoPlasmonic LAser Ignited Fusion Experiment - nanofusion progress 2023/24
        Speaker: Tamás Biró (HUN-REN Wigner RCP)
      • 17
        High field nanoplasmonics for nuclear fusion
        Speaker: Norbert Kroó (HUN-REN Wigner RCP)
    • 3:30 PM
      Coffee break
    • Classical and quantum plasmas
      Convener: Johann Rafelski (Department of Physics, The University of Arizona)
      • 18
        High-energy, Non-thermal, Laser-induced Nano-fusion
        Speaker: László Csernai (University of Bergen)
      • 19
        Morphology studies on craters created by femtosecond laser irradiation in UDMA polymer targets embedded with plasmonic gold nanorods
        Speaker: Ágnes Nagyné Szokol (HUN-REN Wigner RCP)
      • 20
        Data Evaluation in Laser Crater Experiment

        Crater experiments in laser research play a crucial role in advancing our understanding of laser-material interactions and optimizing various laser applications. These experiments involve directing high-intensity laser pulses at different materials to study the resulting craters' size, shape, and morphology. The primary purposes of these experiments include characterizing material properties such as thermal conductivity and resistance to laser-induced damage, developing precise laser-based manufacturing techniques, and enhancing applications in fields like inertial confinement fusion and medical treatments.

        Data evaluation is a critical component of crater experiments, involving the collection and analysis of detailed measurements using tools like optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and profilometry. Quantitative analysis focuses on parameters such as crater dimensions and surface roughness, while qualitative analysis examines morphological features and material responses. Advanced software tools like ImageJ and MATLAB are employed to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of data evaluation.

        Challenges in data evaluation include managing data variability, resolution limitations, and interpretation errors. Addressing these challenges involves improving measurement techniques and employing robust analysis methods. The insights gained from these experiments not only advance scientific understanding but also drive innovations in manufacturing, medical treatments, and high-energy physics applications.

        Overall, crater experiments and their subsequent data evaluation are integral to leveraging laser technology across multiple domains, offering significant potential for future research and application development.

        Speaker: Nour Jalal Abdulameer (HUN-REN Wigner RCP)
    • Banquet
      • 21
    • Plasmonics and fusion
      Convener: Wolfgang Schleich (Universität Ulm)
      • 22
        Particle Simulation of Various Gold Nanoantennas in Laser Irradiated Matter for Fusion Production

        Recent advances in laser technology and plasmonics, combined with knowledge from heavy-ion collisions, highlight the key role of resonating particles in boosting wave energy absorption, aiding fusion initiation.
        In this study, we employ numerical modeling to investigate the interaction between laser radiation pulses and matter doped with gold nanoparticles of various shapes.
        We investigate the response of gold-doped materials to short, intense bursts of infrared radiation, with a focus on the ejection dynamics of electrons from nanoantennas of different shapes.
        Our analysis involves calculating and examining various properties, such as momentum and energy, of the resulting charges. Specifically, we compare the energies of ionization products under different doping scenarios to identify conditions that produce ions with the highest energy and momentum after a radiation pulse. Virtual experiments are conducted to investigate the effects of nanoantenna dopants with crossed and circular shapes, varying in size.
        We track the dynamics of the interaction between the laser radiation and the doped matter, monitoring ionization products and their energies, as well as field intensities around resonating dopants.
        These findings are pivotal for future fusion research, especially in the context of high energy short laser ignition pulses within the NAPLIFE project.

        Speaker: István Papp (HUN-REN Wigner RCP)
      • 23
        High-intensity femtosecond laser irradiation experiments on polymer targets doped with gold nanorods
        Speaker: Miklós Kedves (HUN-REN Wigner RCP)
      • 24
        Particle acceleration and fusion reactions driven by ultrafast laser pulses

        We develop a compact experimental setup to accelerate atoms from thin foils and gas targets. The energy and flux of plasma ions are measured with a Thomson parabola spectrometer and nuclear track detectors. We focus on the aneutronic p11B reaction which generates three energetic alpha particles. The yield of fusion products is measured with time-of-flight spectroscopy. We investigate the effect of metal nanoparticles to the yield and energy of the ions and fusion products, too. The plasmonic near field enhancement can locally increase the efficiency of accelerating processes. We test more target geometries with a 30 mJ/40 fs Ti:Sa laser system.

        Speaker: Márk Aladi (HUN-REN Wigner RCP)
    • 10:50 AM
      Coffee break
    • Plasmonics and fusion
      Convener: Wolfgang Schleich (Universität Ulm)
      • 25
        Deuteron production and elliptic flow in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions
        Speaker: Boris Tomasik (Czech Technical University in Prague)
      • 26
        Comparative Analysis of Optical Absorption and Resonating Dynamics of Nanoantenna Dopes at Intense Laser Shots

        This study explores how gold nanoparticle doping enhances medium absorption under laser infrared pulses of intensities ~10^15 - 10^18 W/cm2. Traditionally, not the particle-in-cell method comes first in mind, however, we can also investigate effects which cannot be considered with common methods. Using numerical modeling and the EPOCH software, we investigate how nanoparticles of various shapes act as resonant nanoantennas. We analyze the absorption characteristics of the medium and calculate ionization product energies for protons, electrons, and ions. Comparative analysis identifies optimal conditions for energy absorption and ion enhancement with nanoparticles of different shapes and sizes, including quadrupole, dipole, and spherical forms.
        Additionally, we examine ionization dynamics with quadrupole nanoantennas and address energy absorption saturation.

        Speaker: Konstantin Zhukovsky (HUN-REN Wigner RCP)
    • 12:30 PM
      Lunch break
    • Other interesting topics
      Convener: David Blaschke (University of Wroclaw)
      • 27
        Visualization of the Gödel universe

        The standard model of modern cosmology, which is based on the Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker metric, allows the definition of an absolute time. However, there exist (cosmological) models consistent with the theory of general relativity for which such a definition cannot be given since they offer the possibility for time travel. The simplest of these models is the cosmological solution discovered by Kurt Gödel, which describes a homogeneous, rotating universe. Disregarding the paradoxes that come along with the abolishment of causality in such space–times, we are interested in the purely academic question of how an observer would visually perceive the time travel of an object in Gödel's universe. For this purpose, we employ the technique of ray tracing, a standard tool in computer graphics, and visualize various scenarios to bring out the optical effects experienced by an observer located in this universe. In this way, we provide a new perspective on the space–time structure of Gödel's model.

        Speaker: Wolfgang Schleich (Universität Ulm)
      • 28
        Exploration of Jupiter's Galilean satellites and their complex interactions with the Jovian magnetosphere - Hungary's partcipation in ESA's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer mission

        Jupiter's magnetosphere is one of the largest natural particle accelerators in our Solar System. Its dynamic processes are governed by the fast rotation of the planet, creating complex current systems and particle transport mechanisms. The Galilean satellites play important roles as plasma sources, influencing the dynamics and distribution of charged particles in the Jovian magnetosphere. Building on the knowledge gained from previous flybys and the Galileo orbiter, the recently launched Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) spacecraft will study the interaction between the Galilean satellites and the rapidly rotating inner magnetospheric plasma environment of Jupiter. The mission will conduct several close flybys with Europa and Callisto to further investigate the possibility of the existence of their subsurface oceanic layers. Additionally, JUICE aims to study in unprecedented detail the unique interaction between Ganymede (the only satellite in our Solar System with an intrinsic magnetic field of its own) and the Jovian magnetosphere. Researchers and engineers from the HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics, the HUN-REN Centre for Energy Research, and SGF Ltd. have participated in the development of the Particle Environment Package (PEP) instrument onboard JUICE.

        Speaker: Zsófia Bebesi (Wigner RCP)
    • Farewell