10–12 Jun 2024
Hotel Hilton in the Royal Castle Hill
Europe/Budapest timezone

Data Evaluation in Laser Crater Experiment

11 Jun 2024, 17:10
Hotel Hilton in the Royal Castle Hill

Hotel Hilton in the Royal Castle Hill

1-3. Hess András tér , 1014 Budapest, Hungary


Nour Jalal Abdulameer (HUN-REN Wigner RCP)


Crater experiments in laser research play a crucial role in advancing our understanding of laser-material interactions and optimizing various laser applications. These experiments involve directing high-intensity laser pulses at different materials to study the resulting craters' size, shape, and morphology. The primary purposes of these experiments include characterizing material properties such as thermal conductivity and resistance to laser-induced damage, developing precise laser-based manufacturing techniques, and enhancing applications in fields like inertial confinement fusion and medical treatments.

Data evaluation is a critical component of crater experiments, involving the collection and analysis of detailed measurements using tools like optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and profilometry. Quantitative analysis focuses on parameters such as crater dimensions and surface roughness, while qualitative analysis examines morphological features and material responses. Advanced software tools like ImageJ and MATLAB are employed to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of data evaluation.

Challenges in data evaluation include managing data variability, resolution limitations, and interpretation errors. Addressing these challenges involves improving measurement techniques and employing robust analysis methods. The insights gained from these experiments not only advance scientific understanding but also drive innovations in manufacturing, medical treatments, and high-energy physics applications.

Overall, crater experiments and their subsequent data evaluation are integral to leveraging laser technology across multiple domains, offering significant potential for future research and application development.

Presentation materials