Sep 3 – 6, 2012
Europe/Budapest timezone
We are pleased to announce that after a few years of absence the Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy and Astrophysics will be held again. The conference will be a great opportunity for young postdoc researchers and PhD students working in astronomy, astrophysics and related topics to present their results. Each sessions will be introduced by a review talk presented by internationally recognized experts of the given topic. The conference will be held from 3rd to 6th September at the Wigner Research Centre for Physics (Wigner RCP) in Budapest.
Organizing Committee: Gergely Gábor Barnaföldi (Wigner RCP, Hungary) Emese Forgács-Dajka (Eötvös University, Hungary) Erika Verebélyi (Eötvös University, Hungary) Csaba Kiss (Konkoly Observatory, Hungary)