Sep 24 – 26, 2012
Mátrafüred Academic Resort
Europe/Budapest timezone
Consortium CENTRALSYNC invites you to the School on Synchrotron Radiation Methods and their Applications in Earth Science 2012. The School will consist of tutorial lectures given by experts in synchrotron radiation methods and earth science. Starting from basic properties of synchrotron radiation and related experimental techniques, recent earth science related applications and possibilities will be discussed. Information on application for beamtime and practical arrangement of experiments will also be provided. The language of the school is English. The school is intended for young research fellows, PhD and MSc students as well as for senior researchers who are interested in acquiring new ideas about unique experiments.
Mátrafüred Academic Resort
Conference room
3232 Mátrafüred, Akadémia u. 1-3.
Organizers: Consortium CENTRALSYNC Hungarian Synchrotron Committee Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Energy Research Wigner Research Centre Neutron Synchrotron Committee of the Roland Eötvös Physical Society No registration fee. Limitation of the number of participants! Due to space limitations, the number of participants is restricted to a maximum of 30 persons. The places will be distributed on a first come first serve basis. Local organizing committee Szabina Török, Centre for Energy Research, Budapest Dénes Lajos Nagy, Wigner Research Centre, Budapest Gyula Faigel, Wigner Research Centre, Budapest György Vankó, Wigner Research Centre, Budapest