Marcus Huber
(Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Vienna, Austria)
9/26/18, 9:00 AM
Jens Siewert
9/26/18, 9:45 AM
Alexander Streltsov
(Gdansk University of Technology, Poland)
9/26/18, 10:15 AM
Felix Huber
(University of Siegen, Germany)
9/26/18, 11:05 AM
Zahra Raissi
(The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Castelldefels, Spain)
9/26/18, 11:35 AM
Nikolai Wyderka
(University of Siegen, Germany)
9/26/18, 11:55 AM
Karol Zyczkowski
(Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland)
9/26/18, 2:00 PM
Giuseppe Vitagliano
(Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Vienna, Austria)
9/26/18, 2:45 PM
Michał Oszmaniec
(National Quantum Information Centre, Gdansk, Poland)
9/26/18, 3:45 PM
Borivoje Dakic
(Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Vienna, Austria)
9/26/18, 4:15 PM
Máté Farkas
(University of Gdansk, Polnad)
9/26/18, 4:35 PM
Otfried Gühne
(University of Siegen, Germany)
9/27/18, 9:00 AM
Wieslaw Laskowski
(University of Gdansk, Poland)
9/27/18, 9:45 AM
Remigiusz Augusiak
(Center for Theoretical Physics, Warsaw, Poland)
9/27/18, 10:15 AM
John Calsamiglia
(Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain)
9/27/18, 11:05 AM
Miguel Navascues
(Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Vienna, Austria)
9/27/18, 11:35 AM
Albert Aloy
(The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Castelldefels, Spain)
9/27/18, 11:55 AM
Mario Ziman
(Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia)
9/27/18, 2:00 PM
Laurin Ostermann
(University of Innsbruck, Austria)
9/27/18, 2:30 PM
Lukas Knips
(Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany)
9/27/18, 2:50 PM
István Kovács
(Northeastern University, Boston, USA)
9/27/18, 3:40 PM
Jordi Tura i Brugués
(Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany)
9/27/18, 4:10 PM
Dóra Balázs
(Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
9/27/18, 4:30 PM
Tamás Vértesi
(Institute for Nuclear Research, Debrecen, Hungary)
9/28/18, 9:00 AM
Iagoba Apellaniz
(University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain)
9/28/18, 9:45 AM
Gael Sentís
(University of Siegen, Germany)
9/28/18, 10:15 AM
Matthias Kleinmann
(University of Siegen, Germany)
9/28/18, 11:05 AM
Péter Vrana
(Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
9/28/18, 11:25 AM
Jan Naudts
(Universiteit Antwerpen)
9/28/18, 11:45 AM
Christian Schilling
(University of Oxford, England)
9/28/18, 2:00 PM
Adam Sawicki
(Center for Theoretical Physics, Warsaw, Poland)
9/28/18, 2:30 PM
Tamás Geszti
(Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary)
9/28/18, 2:50 PM
Péter Vecsernyés
(Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary)
9/28/18, 3:10 PM