Jun 17 – 21, 2019
Europe/Budapest timezone

Precision Dijet Acoplanarity and Jet Anisotropy Probes of the Color Structure of Perfect QCD Fluids Produced at RHIC and LHC

Jun 17, 2019, 5:50 PM


Prof. Miklos Gyulassy (Wigner MTA,LBNL, CCNU)


New results will be shown using our CUJET3.1 framework globally Chi^2 constrained by both soft pT<2 and hard pT>20 data as well theoretical lattice QCD data. The focus is to show the sensitivity of future precision dijet acoplanarity and single jet azimuthal anisotropy observables to different assumptions about the color dof and structure of “perfect” QCD fluids produced at RHIC and LHC. We show that existing experimental data strongly favor a semi-Quark-Gluon-Magnetic Monopole Plasma (sQGMP) structure in the confinement temperature range over weakly coupled perturbative Quark Gluon Plasmas (wQGP).

[Refs: S.Shi,J.Liao, MG, arXiv:1808.05461 [hep-ph] ,in press; MG et al, QM18, Nucl.Phys.A982(2019)627]]

Primary author

Prof. Miklos Gyulassy (Wigner MTA,LBNL, CCNU)

Presentation materials