Jun 17 – 21, 2019
Europe/Budapest timezone

Charmonium $(\bar c c)$ mass in hadron-nucleus reactions, how the in-medium gluon condensate can be measured

Jun 19, 2019, 10:50 AM


Gyorgy Wolf (MTA Wigner FK)


We study the excitation function of the low-lying charmonium state: $\Psi$(3686) in hadron-nucleus collisions taking into account their in-medium propagation. The time evolution of the spectral functions of the charmonium state is studied with a BUU type transport model. We calculated the charmonium contribution to the dilepton spectrum and show that for $\Psi$(3686) production there is a good chance to observe its in-medium modification with good resolution detectors. The energy
regime will be available in JPARC, PANDA and CBM

Primary author

Gyorgy Wolf (MTA Wigner FK)

Presentation materials