Jun 17 – 21, 2019
Europe/Budapest timezone

Correlation of heavy and light flavours in simulations

Jun 18, 2019, 9:30 AM


Eszter Frajna


The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN investigates the fundamental nature of the strong interaction in collisions of protons or heavy ions that are travelling at almost the speed of light. In these high-energy collisions, heavy (charm and bottom) quarks are created in the early stages of the reaction. Since they are produced in initial hard processes and their numbers are largely unchanged in the later stages of the reaction, they serve as ideal probes to test the validity of quantum color dynamics as well as the properties of a strongly interacting hot and dense medium in a heavy ion collision. Launched in 2015, the LHC's Run-II phase, with the improved ALICE detector system, enabled the most precise heavy quark measurements ever. Monte carlo simulations allow us to study possible experimental signature on a process-by-process base. In this presentation I account for our recent results on correlations of heavy and light flavors in event generators within the ALICE acceptance. We also propose methods based on these results to separate these processes experimentally, in order to gain a deeper understanding on heavy-flavor fragmentation.

Primary author

Eszter Frajna


Robert Vertesi (MTA Wigner RCP RMI)

Presentation materials