11–12 Jul 2019
Southern building
Europe/Budapest timezone

Contribution List

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Gergely Barnafoldi (Wigner RCP RMI of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Tamás Kozsik (ELTE)
11/07/2019, 08:45
Tibor Temesi (Silicon Computers Ltd.)
11/07/2019, 09:00
Michael Wong (Codeplay Ltd.)
11/07/2019, 10:50
Gábor Varga (Microsoft Hungary Ltd.)
11/07/2019, 11:35
Zoltán Kiss (Governmental Information-Technology Development Agency (KIFÜ))
11/07/2019, 12:05
István Kiss (StreamHPC Ltd.)
11/07/2019, 13:40
Troels Henriksen (University of Copenhagen)
11/07/2019, 14:45
András Leitereg (ELTE)
11/07/2019, 15:25
Balázs Teréki (AImotive Ltd.)
11/07/2019, 16:20
Balázs Keszthelyi (V-Nova Ltd.)
11/07/2019, 17:25
Máté Ferenc Nagy-Egri (Wigner RCP.)
11/07/2019, 17:50
Alexandra Nagy (Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL))
11/07/2019, 18:15
Thomas Ortner (VRVis Research Center)
12/07/2019, 08:45
Ádám István Szűcs (ELTE)
12/07/2019, 09:15
Áron Cserkaszky (Holografika Ltd.)
12/07/2019, 09:40
Viktor Makki (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
12/07/2019, 10:05
István Csabai (ELTE)
12/07/2019, 11:00
Olena Linnyk (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Talent Acquisition & Talent Management Company milch&zucker)
12/07/2019, 11:30
Andarás Telcs (Wigner RCP.)
12/07/2019, 11:55
Patrik Reizinger ( Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
12/07/2019, 12:20
Jeffrey Kelling (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Department of Information Services and Computing)
12/07/2019, 14:20
Bálint Daróczy (MTA SZTAKI)
12/07/2019, 14:50
Ákos Kovács (Mediso Ltd.)
12/07/2019, 15:40
Georgina Csizmadia (Semmelweis University, MTA-SE Molecular Biophysics Research Group)
12/07/2019, 16:35
Bianka Farkas (Semmelweis University, Pázmány Péter Catholic University)
12/07/2019, 17:00
Ferenc Hegedűs (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
12/07/2019, 17:50
Dénes Molnár (Purdue University)
12/07/2019, 18:15