Nov 25 – 26, 2019
Hotel Mercure Budapest
Europe/Budapest timezone

Life beyond the pixels: machine learning and image analysis methods for HCS

Nov 25, 2019, 3:40 PM
Mátyás Hall (Groundfloor) (Hotel Mercure Budapest)

Mátyás Hall (Groundfloor)

Hotel Mercure Budapest

Krisztina körút 41-43. 1013 Budapest Hungary


Péter Horváth (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)


In this talk I will give an overview of the computational steps in the analysis of a single cell-based high-content screen. First, I will present a novel microscopic image correction method designed to eliminate vignetting and uneven background effects which, left uncorrected, corrupt intensity-based measurements. I will present deep learning-based image segmentation methods. I will discuss the Advanced Cell Classifier (ACC) (, a software tool capable of identifying cellular phenotypes based on features extracted from the image. It provides an interface for a user to efficiently train machine learning methods to predict various phenotypes. We developed the Suggest a Learner (SALT) toolbox, which selects the optimal machine learning algorithm and parameters for a particular classification problem. For cases where discrete cell-based decisions are not suitable, we propose a method to use multi-parametric regression to analyze continuous biological phenomena. Finally, to improve the learning speed and accuracy, we recently developed an active learning scheme which automatically selects the most informative cell samples.

Primary author

Péter Horváth (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

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