Nov 25 – 26, 2019
Hotel Mercure Budapest
Europe/Budapest timezone

HEP Graph Machine Learning for Industrial & Humanitarian Applications

Nov 26, 2019, 4:00 PM
Mátyás Hall (Groundfloor) (Hotel Mercure Budapest)

Mátyás Hall (Groundfloor)

Hotel Mercure Budapest

Krisztina körút 41-43. 1013 Budapest Hungary


Daniel Dobos (Visiting Researcher at CERN with Lancaster University)


The power of Machine Learning for graph structured data is used more and more for HEP applications like particle tracking or jet analysis. We studied different ML tracking approaches (including GNN's) used in the TrackML and HEPTrkX challenges and used a simplified game model of Nine Men's Morris to study Graph ML using quantum algorithms. While the quantum implementation is motivated by academic interest and future performance preparations, the graph network analysis and ML on it is targeted for current analysis. In combination with visual analytics it is a powerful tool to understand and analyse humanitarian partnerships, collaborations and ecosystems that we studied and will present preliminary results. Further we will discuss some selected industrial applications we are currently exploring.

Primary authors

Daniel Dobos (Visiting Researcher at CERN with Lancaster University) Kristiane Novotny (gluoNNet) Andrea Martini (gluoNNet) Karolos Potamianos (DESY) Bilge Demirkoz (METU) Cenk Tiysuz (METU)

Presentation materials

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