Nanoparticle doping of fusion targets

May 18, 2022, 9:40 AM


Prof. Attila Bonyár (BME)


he talk is connected to the Hungarian NAPLIFE (Nanoplasmonic Laser Inertial Fusion Experiment) collaboration and will discuss various aspects of the fusion target material development. Design considerations for a model target material - namely a nanocomposite consisting of nanoparticles doped into a polymer matrix - and its realization will be presented, along with results related to nanoparticle synthesis, surface chemistry, nanocomposite preparation, and characterization with a wide range of instrumentation (electron microscopy, optical and Raman spectroscopy). Methods to tune the plasmonic absorption peak of the nanocomposite and control the density of the doped nanomaterials in the polymer matrix will be discussed in detail.

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